Sunday, January 23, 2011

Chua Hui Kian

Chua was normal until her teens when she became blind. At the vocational centre for the blind, she was equipped with rehabilitation skills but she was not strong enough to be trained for Massage; moreover, she lacked fundamental literacy skills which were necessary for training in office work.

Thus, she left the centre in order to earn her living by selling tissue-paper. She got married to another blind tissue-seller and they had a baby girl. Being very poor, however, they had to leave the child in the care of an orphanage. Later on, she also has to leave her husband because of his abuse and beatings which had caused her severe head injuries and even some memory loss.

Feeling lonely, she followed another person to Singapore for sales. Unfortunately, this person did not much care about her and frequently let her bump into obstacles and fall into drains. She was also cheated of her money.

She believes that the Compassionate Scheme will help her find her own home some day so that her daughter can come back and live with her.

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