Sunday, January 23, 2011

Eddy Chong Ted Hin

Eddy was enjoying a good career as Engineer and was raising a happy family. Unfortunately, he was struck down with Dengue Fever in 1997 which had caused him to become visually impaired and also partially deaf.

He turned to the Malaysian Association for the Blind for assistance and was equipped with rehabilitation and Massage skills. Subsequently, he decided to knock upon the doors of more than 80 companies but no one would give him a job. To make matters worse, he was deserted by his wife. Penniless and often without food or sustenance, Eddy attempted to commit suicide.

Fortunately, with the support of a sighted friend, Eddy regained courage and the will to live again. So he went back to MAB to try and do something useful for the blind community by serving on some of the committees.

Subsequently, he discovered the Compassionate Scheme and realised that he would be able to help many of the blind achieve their dreams of a steady income and a life of happiness and independence.

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