Sunday, January 23, 2011

Patricia Lee Foong Yee

Patricia was normal until the age of 22. She suffered from Acute Diabetes which resulted in Renal Failure, total blindness, partial deafness and loss of mobility. This caused her to be house-bound for about 15 years.

She has to undergo Dialysis treatment three times a week and this is only subsidized by SOCSO. She also has to spend money on transport to the Dialysis centre and pay for the injections plus other medical requirements. Without the injections, she faces a very bleak future of deteriorating health and she will ultimately face death.

Patricia is full of anxiety because her medical and miscellaneous expenses come up to about RM1,000 per month. Yet she is unemployed and she is dependent upon her mother who is also not working.

Fortunately, Patricia has discovered the Compassionate Scheme. She believes it could help her to earn sufficient income and to fulfill all her dreams.

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