Monday, January 24, 2011

Our story by The Star Online May 4 2009

Monday May 4, 2009

Kidney patient in need


PETALING JAYA: Patricia Lee Foong Yee has not only lost her eyesight due to kidney failure – she also suffers from partial loss of hearing and mobility.
Now, the 40-year-old will also lose financial assistance for her dialysis injections.
“I have been receiving help from a charity group for the past years, but this will cease to continue as the charity is short of funds during this downturn,” said wheelchair-bound Lee at Menara Star, here, recently.
Diagnosed with kidney failure when she was 26, Lee is now at the end stage of renal failure, preventing her from getting a job.
“I have been unemployed for the past 12 years. Who will employ me with my condition?” she asked, adding that her family comprised only of her 63-year-old mother, who is also unemployed as she has to look after Lee.

According to Lee, the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) appealed to the Health Ministry for assistance on her behalf, but the ministry responded that she was not qualified to receive help as she was already getting a monthly pension from the Social Security Organisation (Socso).
“I have no one else to turn to. I get only RM370 a month from Socso, which is hardly enough,” she said.
Lee’s dialysis is covered by Socso, but she said the injections alone cost RM420 a month.
“Transport to and from NKF can also go up to RM250 each month,” she added.
Present during the interview was Malaysian Association for the Blind (MAB) deputy executive director Godfrey Ooi, who said that the Government should reconsider its policy of not providing financial assistance to Socso clients.
“Patients should not be disqualified just because they receive a Socso pension, which can be rather meagre,” he added.
Those interested in helping Lee can contact Ooi at 03-2272 2677 ext 127 or 016-6086365.

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